Monday, April 1, 2013

March in review

March was a fairly productive month!  I painted a little, sewed a lot, and turned seventeen!  Not to mention that spring is finally here!  I am hoping that with the next few months I will continue to be productive and grow my talents and blog.  I have great goals for April!

favorite outfit: haha... um, sorry everyone.  I didn't notice just how bad I have been about outfit posts... but this is a shirt I made this month and I loved wearing it.

favorite sewing project:  my sew for victory dress which is actually going up in a post today, so check back later!

favorite works:  See these?  All three are finally finished.  I need to get them in a post...

favorite event: My birthday!  I had a really great one this year.

My birthday takes the cake (ha) for favorite event, but I loved shopping at the vintage white flea market!  It deserved to be mentioned.